Expert Services, Quality Results
Did you know that thousands of structural fires occur every year due to clothes dryers? Dryer Vent Cleaning is one the most overlooked home maintenance tasks. Dryer Vents are seldom seen and rarely worried about, but they are a very important part of keeping a healthy and safe home.

Every homeowner should be aware of the last time their dryer vent was cleaned out. When you hire a professional to take care of dryer vent cleaning, you can rest assured that they will remove the lint and other debris that could become jammed in the venting system and lead to fires.
Depending on how often you use your dryer, you’ll want to have your dryer vent cleaned and carefully inspected once every three to twelve months. Larger households that do at least one or two loads of laundry each day should schedule periodic inspections to determine how long they should go between dryer vent cleanings. If you do laundry less frequently, scheduling dryer vent cleaning once a year is most likely sufficient.

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